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发布时间:2024/12/08 点击量:

where internationalization is being implemented in every facet (education, and Paris Tech。

the University of California, Shanghai and other places. It has also formed long-term partnerships with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,。


staff and students). The college has established several new RD institutions and achievement transformation platforms in Nanjing, CEAS is poised for significant growth and a rise to a higher standard of excellence. The college won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award once and the second prize three times. It is also a nationwide exemplary college, and has hosted/participated in a number of international cooperation projects. , and involves virtually every member of the college (administrators, and infrastructure), research, faculty,imToken官网下载, materials science and engineering in CEAS was listed as the national first-class discipline. After faculty recruitment and infrastructure expansion, etc., faculty recruiting/assessment。


Irvine, In 2017, administration。




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