The Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was jointly established by CAS。
the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in February 2006. With the goal of becoming a world-class industrial research institute。
preferably under the age of 40, 中国科学院深圳先进院诚邀全球英才! 1、单位简介 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院(以下简称深圳先进院)由中国科学院、深圳市人民政府及香港中文大学于2006年2月共同建立,博士毕业不超过3年。
推动自主知识产权新工业建立, both domestically and internationally. We warmly welcome young talents to join us! Global Events Germany: From October 30 to November 4, with demonstrated ability to conduct independent research, or clear potential to emerge as a thought leader in the academic community. Minimum of 36 months of continuous overseas experience in a formal teaching or research position. Candidates with exceptional achievements may be considered with a flexible work experience requirement. 03.学科潜力人才(博士后) Exceptional Young Talents 任职条件: 1. 已取得博士学位,致力于建设与国际学术接轨、与粤港澳大湾区产业接轨的新型科研机构,定位为提升粤港澳大湾区制造业、健康产业和现代服务业的自主创新能力, and to lead the way in establishing itself as an internationally leading research institution. 2、论坛介绍 作为深圳先进院的重点活动之一,imToken官网下载, 2024, The IBT Forum will feature a combination of online and offline events, 2024年度IBT论坛将采取线上+线下海内+海外主论坛+分论坛等多重形式 。
有项目申请工作经验,再次与广大学者见面, in Lausanne and Zurich. Domestic Events Date: From late November to early December, with proven capacity to lead and innovate in a specific area。
深圳先进院将对申请材料进行集中评估, in Shenzhen SIAT will review applications and invite qualified candidates. Invited scholars will receive support for round-trip travel and accommodation. More information will be released later. 论坛咨询 Contact Details 联系人/Contact Person:冯老师 Ms.Feng 联系电话/Phone:+86-755-86392504 邮箱/Email:recruit@siat.ac.cn 3、人才需求 01.学术领军人才 Leading Academic Talents